St. Mary’s is proud to partner with the AU/UGA Medical Partnership to provide undergraduate medical students with hands-on, hospital-based experience rarely found in undergraduate programs. Starting in their 2nd year, AU/UGA Medical Partnership students rotate through St. Mary’s on a regular basis under the direct supervision and tutelage of physician mentors. With the permission of our patients, they develop essential skills and clinical judgment in a real-world setting. To enhance their learning experience, 2nd year students also receive an iPad from the AU/UGA Medical Partnership that they can use for their entire course of study
iPad FAQs
- The AU/UGA Medical Partnership provides an iPad to each 2nd year undergraduate medical education student.
- Students are permitted to keep their individual iPad for the entire course of their undergraduate medical education at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership.
- At the end of their 4th year or upon termination from the program, students must return their iPad to AU/UGA Medical Partnership staff. The iPad’s memory will be erased upon return.
- Students are encouraged to use their iPads to access online textbooks and other educational resources as recommended by faculty and physicians.
- iPads potentially take the place of multiple paper textbooks, reducing weight the student must transport and allowing for immediate updates of information and best practices as they become available.
- iPads may be used for developing presentations; completing class assignments; communicating with faculty, physicians and other students; accessing digital resources beyond standard texts; and, in some cases, reviewing patient information and documentation.
- To minimize potential HIPPA exposure, each iPad is secured with a passcode unique to the student. Students are required to protect their iPad against damage and theft, never share their personal access information with another person, and report any potential breach or loss immediately.