Thank you for your interest in the Student Program. St. Mary’s provides the highest quality patient care, while providing an excellent learning environment to all students.
Undergraduate Program
- Practicum Students: Pre-Med, Nursing, Public Health Administrations, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Dietetics, Respiratory Therapy, Exercise & Sports Science, Marketing Intern, HIM Intern etc.
- Cohort Students: Nursing, Radiology, Music Therapy, Paramedic, etc.
Graduate Program
- Advance Practice Students: Physician Assistant, Nursing Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Mid-Wife, Anesthesiologist Assistant, Medical Assistants, etc.
- Pharmacy Students.
- Observers
- Residency Program
Inquire about Student Rotations, and the Affiliation Agreement Process
Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs, Advance Practice Students and Affiliation Agreements
Leslie Coleman – Clinical Educator Coordinator
(706) 389-2159
**Please note all Advance Practice Students are responsible for finding their own Preceptor**
Pharmacy Program:
Thomas Nguyen – Pharmacy Manager
(706) 389-2511
** Please note Thomas Nguyen is over the Pharmacy students only at our St. Mary’s Athens location **

Student Clearance Procedure
St. Mary’s Health Care System Inc. utilizes ACEMAPP to manage all clinical placements and onboarding. ACEMAPP, is a secure, online, rotation matching, student on-boarding, and document storage solution for clinical sites, and Educational Institutions.
Before students are able to begin clinicals, students must be fully compliant, and the rotation roster must have been sent via ACEMAPP. All requirements must be completed at least two weeks PRIOR to the start of the rotation. This allows time for processing and prevents delays in the rotation start dates. Once the requirements have been completed, the Preceptor/Clinical Instructor, School, and Student will receive an email stating that the student is cleared to begin their clinical experience and schedule a time for the student to pick up their student badge.
Instructions for Schools
Schools must submit all student placement request through ACEMAPP at least 6 weeks prior to the rotation start date. If your school is not yet a member of ACEMAPP, please contact our ACEMAPP Southern Region Team at, and they will be happy to assist you in accessing ACEMAPP.
Please note there is a difference in an “approved rotation” and being cleared to begin clinicals. An “approved rotation” is showing St. Mary’s has approved the student(s) for clinicals during a certain period. All students in the rotation must meet all credentialing requirements (all green checks) before they have met compliance and cleared to begin clinicals.
Instructions for Students
Once a rotation has been created, the school will add the student(s) to the roster. Once the student(s) ACEMAPP account has been created, you will receive a welcome email from ACEMAPP. You will need to login and complete your ACEMAPP profile and all necessary requirements to be cleared for clinicals. The student(s) are responsible for completing and maintaining compliance for all school and clinical site requirements. Students must upload all required documents at least two weeks prior to their rotation start date to allow time for processing and avoid any delays in their start date. Once compliance has been met you will receive a “Welcome” email and schedule a time to pick up your student badge.
Please note if you attend clinicals before meeting all credentialing requirements in ACEMAPP, and you have not received your “Welcome” email, you will be asked to leave the premise immediately, and your school will be notified. You will not be allowed back for clinicals until all credentialing requirements have been met in ACEMAPP.
Students are to return their student badges and Student Hours Log at the end of their rotation. Each student will sign a form stating they picked up their student badge, and once the badge is returned the Clinical Coordinator will sign off showing you returned the badge.
Parking information is located on the last three pages of the Student Documentation Packet. It will vary depending on which site you are placed at.
Instructions for Clinical Instructors
Once a rotation has been created, the school has added you to the roster, and your ACEMAPP account has been created, you will also receive a welcome email from ACEMAPP. Follow all the same steps as the students would. Login and complete your ACEMAPP profile and all necessary requirements to be cleared for clinicals. You are responsible for completing and maintaining compliance for all school and clinical site requirements.
If you are a new Clinical Instructor, once you have met all credentialing requirements in ACEMAPP, you will be scheduled for orientation. During orientation you will pick up your instructor badge, checked off on restraints, and Glucometer. You will also complete the HealthStream modules that are on your to-do list. St. Mary’s transitioned to EPIC Fall of 2022, so you will also be registered for classes to gain access into EPIC.
Instructors will NOT be scheduled for orientation or registered for EPIC classes until they have met all credentialing requirements in ACEMAPP. Please make sure you upload all required documents with enough allowance in time to have your classes scheduled so that there is no delay in the rotation start date. It is very important the EPIC classes are completed before the start of your rotation, or you will not have access to EPIC. The cohort group may not begin clinicals until the Clinical Instructor has completed orientation.